
21 September 2007


1. I love my hair a lot and was aghast that I was turning bald and in India they say that if one is turning bald it means one is becoming rich by each passing day. I am not satisfied with such fancy comments and wanted to try a hair loss products regarding which users are satisfied and had produced the result.

2. Being an internet savvy person I searched for the internet hair loss remedies and found that a product provillus enjoyed close to 94% level of satisfaction and these products have been rated by the users. Provillus enables preparation of scalp in a healthy environment and it provides requisite nutrients to enable bring back damaged and dead hair follicles back to life.

3. However its all products did not enjoy a high rating like a product procerin enjoyed a customer approval of 75% but this is also not a small achievement as three out of four customers is satisfied. Procerin cures baldness caused due to androgenetic alopecia as it is a natural supplement and serum for the hairs.

4. I am trying provillus as per the recommendation given regarding the product on the site and am finding improvement and thus would keep you posted regarding the net result and effect of the hair product. Now, I am satisfied that I have incorporated a hair loss product in my daily regime and hope to look as handsome as I was ever with my hairs back.

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